• Kambô, Rapéh, & Sananga

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    Kambô is the secretion from the "Giant Waxy Green Monkey Tree Frog" (Phyllomedusa Bicolor) and is a highly potent substance that works with the body to purge toxins, release trauma, and alleviate depression, anxiety, pain & inflammation. It is also known as "Sapo" or "Vacina de Floresta (Vaccine of the Forest)" by the indigenous peoples of the Amazon rainforest. The harvesting of the secretion does not harm the frogs. Kambô is non-psychoactive and is legal in the United States. On a scientific level, it is the multitude of bioactive peptides in Kambô that allow such powerful and restorative effects to take place. On a spiritual level, this frog secretion is divinely intelligent, working as an energetically conscious advocate to release blockages and bring the spirit and mind into a state of balance and homeostastis. Kambô has been shown to benefit people in a variety of ways, including but not limited to: alleviating depression, anxiety, PTSD, chronic pain & fatigue, sexual disfunction, migraines, infertility, thyroid conditions, autoimmune disorders, cancer, Lyme Disease, Herpes, Hepatitis, Diabetes, Candida, parasites, fungal infections, and addictions to alcohol and drugs.

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    Rapéh is a sacred, traditional Amazonian snuff. It is most often made from a combination of ground tobacco leaf and ash, mixed with seeds, spices, bark, oils, herbs, flowers, roots or leaves of sacred plants and is prepared with prayers and healing intentions. Rapéh is blown into the nose using a pipe, rather than inhaled or injested. It can create an intense sensation in the head/third eye followed by an experience of uplifting or grounding, depending on the particular blend used. Rapéh is offered in conjunction with Kambô ceremony and can be served before and/or after Kambô. Rapéh can increase focus and stillness in the mind, open the Third Eye, and offer grounding, centering, and energizing. Physiologically, it offers purification and cleansing to the sinuses and respiratory tract, supports the digestive system, and increases movement in the bowels. 

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    Sananga (known as "Lightning in the Eye" by indigenous people of Peru and Brazil) has been used as a traditional eye medicine for thousands of years. The plant it is made from is part of the Apocynanceae plant family; the active principal ingredient of Sananga is ibogaine. Sananga is offered in conjunction with Kambô ceremony and can be served before or after Kambô. Traditionally, tribesmen would apply Sananga eye drops before a hunt, especially at night, to improve night vision and open perceptual fields. It can offer support to alleviate negative energy, depression and stress-induced illnesses. On a physical level, it has been affective support for glaucoma, cataracts, astigmatism, conjuctivits, dry and red eyes, eye infection, sinusitis, chronic headaches and chronic pain. Sananga can provide visual enhancement, assist in opening the third-eye, balancing the chakras, expanding the aura, and keeping one balanced on an emotional, spiritual and mental level.

  • The Ceremony: Restoring Balance

    Kambô Ceremony may be experienced in a group or individual, one-on-one setting. Prior to reserving your ceremony spot, we connect to make sure there are no contraindications, to go over preparations, and answer any questions you may have.


    We will open the Ceremony with centering, grounding breathwork, and intention setting. During Ceremony, Kambô is applied through superficial burns on the skin, allowing it to enter the Lymphatic System. The immediate effects of Kambô are increased heart rate, internal heat, light-headedness, and sweating. Throughout the 40 minute process, many people experience purging in the form of vomiting, diarrhea, sweating, and/or crying as it works swiftly to rid the body of toxins, and return systems to a state of balance and well-being. Once the Kambô is removed from the skin the purgative effects quickly dissipate, and after allowing the body to rest, many people notice beneficial responses physically, mentally, and spiritually. After a period of resting, you will be offered tea and some light food to eat and we will take time to connect and share about your experience. After this time, Rapéh and Sananga will be offered before closing the Ceremony.


    As the effects from Kambô can be quite profound, we will connect within the following week to allow space for you to share any insights or shifts that have taken place and to ask any other questions that may have come up from your process. It is recommended (not required) to sit with Kambô three times within one moon cycle if it is your first experience, so if you have not already reserved your next ceremony spot, this will be an opportunity to do so.


    Rogue Frog Kambô ceremonies are offered on a sliding scale contribution ($150 - $250/ceremony), in an effort to take into account your financial situation and circumstances. The higher end of the scale ($250/ceremony) is intended for those with stable incomes and an interest in paying-it-forward for those who are not in the same state of financial privelege. The lower end of the scale ($150/ceremony) is available to make Kambô more accessible for folks who do not have stable income or much extra in their budgets.

  • Maggie, the "Vessel of Love"

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    Maggie, known affectionately as the "Vessel of Love" is here to be just that. She is available to gently guide and hold space for you while you do the difficult, beautiful, transformative work of deep healing.


    With a background as a yoga instructor and many years of working within the alternative medicine world, she has a wealth of knowledge about body systems, the workings of the mind, and the intricacies of our emotional & spiritual experiences. Maggie is a certified Kambô practitioner through Kambô International.


    Maggie found Kambô after several years of demanding health challenges; not only did it dramatically restore her health - it called her to offer it to others, in the hopes that they too can find the healing they are looking for.


    In addition to serving Kambô, Maggie is an herbalist who offers hand crafted tinctures and salves, as well as Moon Cycle support and education.

  • Client Experiences

    Sheer Bliss

    I had the incredible opportunity to experience my Kambô session with Maggie, and it was nothing short of transformative. Maggie's deep awareness and attentiveness to my unique needs created an environment that felt truly safe and nurturing throughout the entire journey. In a moment of sheer bliss, Maggie's intuitive sense of timing was impeccable. She began to hum a soul-stirring melody that resonated with the depths of my being, amplifying the profound connection I felt during the session. This experience with Maggie was truly remarkable, and I can't recommend her expertise and guidance enough.


    - Vic N

    Caring & Attentive

    I found Maggie to be a very caring, attentive and professional practitioner. She helped me through my process, was very knowledgeable, and had great attention to detail. I would recommend her without hesitation.


    - Sherry H

    Grace & Ease

    The grace and ease with which Maggie holds ceremony space is comforting and powerful. She is attentive and supportive, yet gave me the room I needed to have my own experience. I recommend her in the highest regard.


    - Jimmy L

    Stable & Spacious

    Before a Kambô ceremony, one must be able to surrender to the experience. You don't know what the medicine will bring up or purge out. Feeling safe is essential. Maggie provided helpful information beforehand, and remained a stable and spacious presence while the medicine was working. Throughout the whole experience I could feel her reverence for the work that is beng done. She holds the vulnerability of the ceremony in a way that one does not feel vulnerable; it feels natural and welcome. I highly recommend Maggie as a practitioner.


    - Dan H

    Beautiful Experience

    Maggie loves Kambô so much. Knowing of the great benefits, she's made it her mission to serve people, supporting them in their healing journeys. Sitting in ceremony wiht Maggie (with Kambô) was a beautiful experience. She leads the whole experience with confidence and kindness. Maggie is very knowledgable and compassionate, supporting individual needs, letting her intuition inform her decisions. I felt very seen, supported, and safe and will definitely let her serve me again.


    - Johanna

  • Contact Rogue Frog Ceremonies

    If you have questions or would like to schedule a ceremony, please send Maggie a message below!